最近,美国研究生申请文书又进入大众视野了。很多童鞋来咨询我如何修改essay,或者让essay拿到高分。其实文书是申请过程中最重要的一个环节。 好的文书应该具备哪些要素呢?今天我就为大家分享一下经验。
一、文书要体现专业性 Writing for a program is different than writing for general audience. In your application essays you want to demonstrate that you have read and understood the materials about which you are being asked to write an essay. This shows that you are a good fit for the program not only in terms of grades and test scores but also in terms of interest, motivation, and readiness to engage in new ideas as they pertain to the field that you wish to enter.
二、文书要展现独特性 One way to stand out from other candidates is to highlight how much effort you put into your education, especially if it was not easy or traditional. You might discuss the challenges 你遇到过的困难 you overcame——the obstacles that led you down this path to begin with ——as well as what you learned along the way. Your story can show admissions officers where you went wrong, why you think those mistakes were important, and (hopefully) how you won’t repeat them at their institution! 展现自己的个性和特质的方式还有很多。你可以在文中谈论你喜欢做的事,谈谈你的目标和梦想,或者分享一件你最难忘的经历等等...只要是能展现出你独特性的故事就好啦~
三、文书要体现真实性 A common mistake applicants make is trying to write perfect essays(力求文章完美) . Admissions committees want to see real-life stories, so try to keep your essays as informal as possible! Remember, you are applying to a university after all – this means you need to act like one! 当然,文章中的错误是可以有的,但是不要犯低级的语法错误。