1,你需要先知道你是属于哪一类学生才能申请免税 (1)International students are not eligible to pay council tax by virtue of being in the UK on a student visa.国际学生由于在英国签证身份是学生而无法支付市政税。 (2)If you’re from the EU, EEA or Switzerland – and were resident here before March 2019 – your home country will be treated as if it were one of the countries covered by the Withdrawal Agreement, so you can claim back any council tax that was paid during the period from 1 January 2019 until at least the end of the transition period (31 December 2020)
The deal does NOT cover any council tax for the rest of this financial year (from April 2020 onwards), or for future years once the Brexit transition has ended. This means you have to start paying council tax from 1 April 2020 in England if you are from an EU/EEA member state who do not have pre-settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme. For Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland the date is 1 May 2020. You can find out more about what you need to pay and how much you owe on Gov.UK
For those students that qualify and want to reclaim their Council Tax payments, there are two options available:
Option One:You can complete Form CT40 - a paper form that you must send with your original receipts to the local authority responsible for collecting your council tax. The authority may ask you for further information, including proof of residence for the duration of the tax year(s) in question;
Option Two:You can use the online tool called “Council Tax Support”, which allows you to upload documents digitally (eg. passport, bank statement etc.) Your local authority will then process your claim.
Note:As part of the application process both Option One and Option Two require you to prove your identity and eligibility.
· 任何未完工的建筑物或房屋,包括空置房产,都必须报税。
· 对于学生来说,“学者的主要居住地点”就是学生的宿舍。
· 在2020年3月以前,如果学生在英学费低于£18,600,则不用缴税。自2020/21年起,该金额将降至£12,570。如果是在伦敦学习的学生,这个门槛将会更高。