2018年7月9号 更新一下,澳洲技术移民现在政策变了,要拿65分才可以申请。489是临时签证,需要满足一定条件才能转永久居住权(绿卡)。489签证有2种,我申请的这种叫指定区域489临居居留签证(subclass489), 是给在偏远地区工作的人准备的, 要求申请人必须要在指定的偏远地区居住和工作三年并且雅思至少4个6.这个偏远地区包括南澳的Barossa Valley,阿伦南北地区,塔州南部和西部,西澳东南二地区和达尔文的北部等几个地区。这些地区的工资要比墨尔本悉尼的高一些,比如我是计算机本科,做软件编程,在墨尔本的软件公司做程序员,目前是在实习阶段,月薪3w左右澳币,但是我在南澳的偏远小镇Spencer Gulf的一个港口城市Port Pirie找了一份软件开发的工作,年薪6w多澳币,再加上公司的补助和保险什么的,差不多可以达到移民局要求的最低工资标准$53,900一年了!这样满足条件后大概一年半就可以拿到永住了~所以移民不一定要去大城市,小地方同样有很好的就业机会哦~ 以下是原答案
我来介绍一下吧,因为我的签证就是489, 这个是489签证的官方介绍URL 这个是我之前签过的189签证的介绍 URL 189签证比较简单,适合那些学历高,工作好的精英人士。而我申请的这个489签证就比较适合我了,因为我只是本科毕业而已……不过好在我的母校是名校,所以还是给了我这个机会- - 我是在南澳大利亚州的spencer gulf的port pirie签的489.
下面是政府网站关于489签证的介绍 : A new visa called the subclass 489 to be available from November 2012 for skilled workers who want to live and work in regional Australia (other than Tasmania, or certain parts of South Australia , Western Australia , Victoria ) It will provide an opportunity for people with a skills shortage in these areas that have been identified by the government, including information technology professionals , engineering specialists , health occupations such as doctors, nurses medical laboratory scientists 和 physiotherapists etc.
A total of 12,000 visas are expected to be made available through this scheme over four years——half in the first two years , followed by one third each year after that. Applicantswill initially need to nominate an area where they wish to live and work under the scheme, which could include any location outside the capital cities, except some specific sections of southern Queensland , and Tasmania. The Department is currently developing guidelines specifying eligible nominating regions based on the Commonwealth Government’s Regional Development Map. This map shows the major urban centres, rural towns and regional areas across all states and territories. As soon as possible, however we will notify you if there has been changes to how the eligibility rules will operate so that you can continue submitting applications using updated nomination criteria. Further details on applying for visas via a regional stream will be published before the end of June 2012. You may then contact our call centre at